Incorporating the Light Order, Confine, Boundary, and Spindle of Necessity into spell-crafting requires some basic understanding of the concepts around the creation of the Earth.
The idea is that we begin remembering from our point of reference (planet earth) although this is the third step in the regulation(creation) in the world.
The first was both land and water. Tellus. We remember that on our planet Spirit was manifested from earth and water, terra-in-tellus, the first sphere of the earth, before the second sphere of land only, terra-firma, where human beings dwell. This memory helps connect us to all life forms of our planet, therefore commemorating Spirit made manifest.
The second was all that moved under the dominion of time; it comprises: sun, moon, and planets. Mundus. The idea is that without movable objects there can be no measurement of time, so the existence of the universe sets up the basis for measuring time, not the rotation of the earth.
This sets up a whole new system of measuring time called the “time of night”. A system based on the movement of constellations is very similar to star charts used by sea voyagers for thousands of years. These seafarers needed these stars and steered by the polestar and the meridian. Now because time is circling around a centre “pole” this created the triple dial of the sun, dividing the day into three equal parts.
The mourning hours, traditionally called the Light Order, rising in the shape of dawn; (4am according to the Bardic system) to midday (noon)
The high sun or midday, traditionally called the Confine, at the season's edge; midday (noon) to sunset (8pm according to the Bardic System)
The time when the sun never was, traditionally called the Boundary, against the world's structure; sunset (8pm according to the bardic system) to dawn (4am according to the Bardic system).
Between the three is the spindle of necessity, the line pole to the meridian; the planets are weaving around it in time's three divisions, just as the night of stars shapes through the pole's circling. At twilight we enter into the realm of ancient wisdom, when the Time of Night tells us exactly where we are in the great order of the universe. The sun moon and stars were here before us, before the earth, and will be there after us.
It is upon the spindle of necessity that the great and sacred tree is found, The lough Gur tree, the Tree of Trees. The spindle is likened to the centre pole on a spiral staircase once the witch becomes adept at working with the spindle she can exit the staircase at any point on the stair; above or below, past present or future. When I imagine this staircase and spindle I immediately think of the double helix which forms the structure of DNA. It is not a very far reach to think of DNA as code containing all ancestral knowledge and that the DNA staircase would allow you to “travel through time” using your ancestor's memories that are stored in every living thing's DNA.