Many in the magical community are looking for ways to help heal the world from war, conflict and oppression. We have shared the following spell, to be used and shared freely for the good of all beings on the earth.
You will need
An object to represent the victims of war, conflict and oppression.
Gray thread or string
Your most powerful magical objects ( stones, jewels, feathers, symbols etc)
Spring water ( or moon water)
Vervain anointing oil
Three white candles
Two empty jars
☮Cleanse and purify your space in any manner you are comfortable with.
☮Tie your grey thread around the object representing the victims of war, conflict and oppression.
☮Place it on your altar surrounded by your most powerful magical objects.
☮Fill one jar with pure water representing the free flow of liberation and place it on your altar.
☮Anoint one white candle with vervain oil and place it the empty jar.
☮Light the two other white candles and say : In the name of all the forces of justice, all must go free. Great One of a thousand names, Lady Luck, Justicia, all voices of truth and justice sing with the voices of the innocent. We must be free. We must go free!
☮Light the white candle in the jar and chant over it "free, free, we must go free!"
☮When power has been raised, imagine that all innocents are freed in front of you.
☮As you cut the thread look deeply at your object and say : So shall we be protected from harm both physical and psychological. The enemy no lo get binds us, our spirits are free! So shall we radiate with hope, optimism and inspiration, and our bodies shall dance with energy and good health. Supporters will flock to our cause until we are all free. We will glow with a strength that is apparent to all. The great forces of justice will smile upon us and remove all obstacles in our path. The ancient ones shall be with us always. We send much energy and love, we shall go free!
☮Extinguish all candles except the one in the jar.
☮Allow the jar candle to burn until extinguished.