For some of you this may be your first experience in virtual ritual, and this can be very intimidating and exciting. Our group is very relaxed and believes there are no mistakes, only happy accidents, but there are some things that are considered common courtesy during virtual ritual that will not only make the ritual enjoyable for you, but for others as well. If you have any concerns about the content or specifics of the rituals please do not hesitate to message us.
Wear whatever clothing makes you feel comfortable. Some folx like to dress up while others come in PJ's. Both are absolutely acceptable.
You will be muted upon entry, please only un-mute yourself while speaking during social time . Many folx underestimate how much background noise is picked up by their microphone. Chat will always be available
Please arrive at the ritual on-time
Participate as fully as possible. Don’t be an “energy speed bump.”
For virtual offerings from our group you may leave your camera off if you are suffering from Video chat fatigue, or if it makes you feel more comfortable.
DON’T take pictures or screenshots during the ritual. (it is sacred space)